Someone does't really like you. I don't know who or where they are, but they exist. If you want to change that, simply ask them to do you a favor.This trick is known as the "Benjamin Franklin Effect." ...
There's more to earning someone's trust than simply shaking their hand, especially if you're not particularly trustworthy. Your body language doesn't reveal your thoughts, it reveals your intentions, ...
Erudite. Barbiturate. Cacophony. Denouement. Okay, that last word is technically French, but words like these make the average person sweat, and it turns out that the key to learning how to pronounce ...
How many times have you heard someone utter the phrase, "Now, let's break into groups"? From classroom discussions to workplace think tanks, gathering into groups to generate ideas is common practice. ...
Since picking up your first crayon, chances are you've had a favorite, or dominant, hand. That hand gets you through the day, taking care of everything from writing to eating. If you've ever been forc ...
Walking into a bar or crowded dinner party can be intimidating. Being surrounded by a bunch of people you're unfamiliar with or trying to impress the smokeshow at the bar is no easy task...for most of ...
2 + 2 = 4.That's about as much math as I can handle without a calculator on a daily basis. I literally hate doing math more than anything in life, mostly because I'm not good at it—and I hate doing th ...
Have you ever tried to do work in a completely silent room? Not only is it nearly impossible, but it also makes me feel like I am doing something wrong. The headline might seem counterintuitive, but i ...
The art of persuasion is a very crucial characteristic that anyone can learn, and it has countless benefits. Whether it's at work, home, or in social situations, the ability to be veritably persuasive ...
San Francisco writer Jimmy Chen over at HTMLGIANT cleverly composited the beloved filmmaker/artist/furniture designer/transcendental meditation expert David Lynch next to the likes of Cy Twombly, Vinc ...